2020 Laser Radial Youth Europeans Hyeres

Hyeres will host the 2020 Laser Radial Youth Europeans in October

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We’re pleased to announce the 2020 Laser Radial Youth European Championships & Open European Trophy won’t be lost this year and has been moved to Hyeres, France, from October 21-27 at COYCH.

This event was originally planned to be in July at the Ballyholme Yacht Club in Bangor, Northern Ireland, but due to the Covid-19 outbreak it had to be cancelled.

The 2020 Laser Radial Youth Europeans Championships & Open European Trophy is a restricted entry allocated championship, sailors wishing to enter must first complete an application form. Total entry for this event is limited to 400 sailors.

Important Dates

  • Application opening date: Sat 20th of June 2020
  • Close of applications for initial allocation of places: Fri 14th of August 2020, 23:59 GMT
  • Ranking of applications by National Laser Associations: Sat 15th of August until Tue 25th of August 2020, 0:00 GMT
  • Late application opens: Tue 25th of August 2020
  • Entry closing date: Mon 21st of September 2020, 23:59 GMT

For more information on the event including entry forms, list of entrants, all documents including the Notice of Race and much more please see the Event Mini Site.

Cover photo: Thom Touw Photography.

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