Laser 4.7 Youth Europeans in Hyeres

Late applications open for the Laser 4.7 Youth Europeans in Hyeres

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Late applications are now open for the 2019 Laser 4.7 Youth European Championships to be played in Hyéres, France. Event will run from May 18-25.

This is the last chance for sailors to apply. You can fill the application form here. Entries will close on April 18th.

Late applications open for the Laser 4.7 Youth Europeans in Hyeres

The Laser 4.7 Youth European Championship & Open European Trophy 2019 is a restricted entry allocated championship. Total entry for this event is limited to 470 sailors. 314 boy’s and 155 girl’s applications were received up to date.

All coach/support boats shall register before April 18th also here.

For further information please visit the host venue website here.

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By Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Cover Photo: Thom Touw Photography.

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