2019 Europa Cup Croatia final results

2019 Laser Europa Cup Croatia – Day 4 – Final results

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One more race completed on last day of competition at the 2019 Laser Europa Cup in Hvar, Croatia, with sunny weather with light and shifty 5-8 knots wind.

After this fifth race, all three overnight leaders could manage to hold their first spots and secure the championships.

Montenegrin sailor Nikola Golubovic MNE (3-2-2-1-8) was crowned Laser 4.7 overall and Under 16 champion with 8 points, followed by also U16 Joao Pontes POR (13-1-9-3-1) with 14. Third place overall and Laser 4.7 Women’s title for Leonor Dutra POR (8-7-1-11-4) with 20 units. Great championship for this Portuguese representatives, probably shaping up for the next 2020 Laser 4.7 Youth European championships in Portugal!laser 4.7 results

The Laser Radial overall prize was for the Under 19 sailor Roko Stipanovic CRO (1-2-2-11-4), concluding the championship with 9 points. Second place overall and Radial Women’s title for Lin Pletikos SLO (5-3-1-6-2) with 11. Third place overall and second Women’s spot for Sandra Lulic CRO (7-1-4-1-DNS) with 13. First Under 17 place for Andrew Verdysh UKR (2-5-3-4-18), finally fourth overall with 14 units.

laser radial resultsThe Laser Standard competition was for Alec Cvinar CRO (2-1-3-1-8) with 7 points, escorted on podium by Ivan Zhukalin UKR (6-8-2-5-1) and Stipe Gaspic CRO (1-2-UFD-6-6) with 14 and 15 units respectively.

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  1. Pingback: Swiss Laser Association – Laser - Europacup 2019 - Hvar CRO - Final results

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