radial youth europeans day 1

2019 Radial Youth Europeans – Day 1 report

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Unfortunately no races today due to strong wind at the 2019 Laser Radial Youth European Championships & Open European Trophy in Athens, Greece.

369 sailors from all around the World waited the whole day for the 25-30 knots wind to decrease, but finally at 16:00 the Race Committee announced racing day was over.

Immediately after that all sailors were invited to join the Pasta meal and muffins at the club.

Races will start earlier tomorrow, with the Coaches meeting at 09:00 and first warning signal at 10:55.

🔗 Notices to competitors

🔗 Photo galleries

We will be streaming races live from course so stay tuned and follow us on Instagram.

#SailFast #HaveFun #KeepSmilingKeepSailing

Report by Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Cover photo: Thom Touw Photography.

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