radial youth europeans day 2

2019 Radial Youth Europeans – Day 2 report

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First two races concluded for all 6 fleets on the second day of competition of the 2019 Laser Radial Youth European Championships & Open European Trophy in Athens, Greece.

All 369 sailors were sent to water at 10:00 with a nice Northern wind, allowing some of first races to be concluded within the end of the morning. In the beginning of the afternoon they had to wait for the wind to change direction and slowly start blowing from South to complete the remaining races.

Sailors started arriving to the club at around 17:30, washing their boats and receiving a nice and rewarding meal after a long day on water.

Check our recent Live Stories on Instagram or Facebook to relive races.

🔗 Provisional Results

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🔗 Notices to competitors

For further photos or higher resolution files please contact Thom Touw Photography.

#SailFast #HaveFun #KeepSmilingKeepSailing

Report by Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Cover photo: Thom Touw Photography.

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