2021 europa cup sweden

2021 Europa Cup Sweden – Final results in Malmö

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63 sailors from 5 different nations enjoyed this weekend of the 2021 Europa Cup SWE in Malmö, Sweden. This was the fourth regatta of the 2021 Europa Cup Trophy.

The event was organised by Malmö Segel Sällskap.

2021 europa cup swe

After 6 races, Emil Bengston SWE was the winner in the ILCA 7 fleet with 6 points (4 bullets and two 2nd places). Norwegians Christoffer Sorlie NOR and Uffe Tomasgaard NOR escorted the champion in the overall podium with 11 and 13 points respectively. Norwegian Henrik Orjavic NOR was first Under 21 and ranked 5th overall. 18 boats participated of this competition.

ILCA 6 –the largest fleet with 39 boats– was controlled by the Under 19 sailor Sverre Langaas-Holt NOR, finishing first after 4 races with 8 units. Second place overall and Women’s title for Maja Hansson-Mild SWE with 17. Third place overall and second U19 for Simon Granath SWE with 18.

Finally, the ILCA 4 championship was for Leo Fagerberg SWE with 5 points, winning 5 of 6 races. Tove Joost SWE and Sebastian Delgado SWE escorted Leo on podium with 11 and 13 units respectively.

2021 europa cup malmo

Full results here.

Photo gallery here.

The 2021 Europa Cup Trophy will continue the next weekend in Lugano, Switzerland, with the 2021 Europa Cup SUI. You can check all the upcoming venues here.

Report by Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Photos: Jonas Delander.

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