2022 EurILCA Europa Cup in Spain

Last 2 weeks to enter the 2022 EurILCA Europa Cup in Spain

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The 2022 EurILCA Europa Cup is ready to start the next month with the first regatta at Port de Pollença in Mallorca, Spain.

The event will run from March 17-20 at Reial Club Nàutic Port de Pollença, supported by Federación Balear de Vela and Real Federación Española de Vela.

The registration is open for all 3 classes and will close on Sunday 13th of March. All related information you can find it here:

Event overview

Notice of Race

Application form

Entry list

After this first event in Spain, the 2022 EurILCA Europa Cup will move to Ostend, Belgium, from April 15-17 at the Royal North Sea Yacht Club. You can check the full calendar here:

Venues – 2022 EurILCA Europa Cup

About the EurILCA Europa Cup

All information, news and reports about the EurILCA Europa Cup you can find them here:

EurILCA Europa Cup – Webpage

The EurILCA Europa Cup is a series of regattas run throughout the year in various stunning venues across Europe. The competition is open to all sailors, starting from 12 years old, on all rigs (ILCA 7, ILCA 6 and ILCA 4).

Fierce competition on the water paired with a great apres-sail social scene make the EurILCA Europa Cup extremely popular events on the European sailing calendar.

Why not join us in our beautiful sailing venues in 2022 and experience the EurILCA Europa Cup for yourself, whilst showing off your sailing skills, learning some new tricks and having a great time both on and off the water.

Participating in the EurILCA Europa Cup is a good step to prepare for the European and World Championships as there are a lot of sailors from different countries who attend the events.

There are 10 EurILCA Europa Cup events each year, with 2 events from each sub-region :

  • North West: NED, BEL, GER, DEN, GBR, IRL
  • North East: NOR, FIN, EST, LTU, POL, SWE
  • South West: ESP, POR, FRA, SUI, MON
  • Central East: AUT, HUN, SLO, ITA
  • South East: ROU, GRE, ISR, CRO, SRB, BUL, MNE

Every year the EurILCA Europa Cup will rotate in each sub-region.

Entry Regulations

You can find the Entry Regulations and other information here:

Entry Regulations – EurILCA Europa Cup

Overall Ranking and Prize Giving

All results collected in the ten 2022 scheduled regattas will be added up into a general ranking and the overall winners in all 5 classes will be awarded with a brand new sail! You can check all previous overall results here:

2017 – 2021 Overall Results – EurILCA Europa Cup

The EurILCA Team

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