2020 Laser Senior Europeans

New dates and venue for the 2020 Laser Senior Europeans

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Dear sailors, due to the cancellation of the event in Athens by the Greek National Sailing Federation, the 2020 Laser Senior European Championships will be moved to Gorki Zachodnie, Gdansk, Poland, from October 6-13 2020.

We want to thank the Polish Laser Class and the Polish Yachting Association for their support setting this new venue and dates.

Anyhow we hope the situation for the covid-19 will be ok and we will be able to run the event.

The new Notice of Race will be published shortly here.

For further information please check the Event Mini Site.

Sorry for the inconvenience. We hope we can overcome this sanitary situation soon and be back on water doing what we love most.

The EurILCA Team.

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