robert schedit ben ainslie

Hey! Don’t miss these Q&A with our legends Robert Scheidt and Ben Ainslie!

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Dear sailors and friends, the Road to Gold guys organised two fantastic online meetings these days with two of our great class legends, Robert Scheidt from Brazil and Ben Ainslie from Great Britain.

Robert’s talk was more focused on the Starts tips, while Ben’s was more about how to maximize your mental strength.

The talks were led and supplemented by the expertise of New Zealand’s recognised coach Hamish Willcox and the experienced English sailing journalist Andy Rice.

Both Q&A meetings were full of valuable advices you can’t miss!

Fortunately, the talks were recorded and made available to all those who missed them or want to review their concepts to consult them online. This service is meant to be paid, but the organisers have generously given EurILCA’s supporters free access for the next two weeks, so hurry up! You’ll certainly enjoy of listening to them.

Here are the links to the talks:

Nailing the Start with Robert Scheidt

Max Out your Mental Strength with Ben Ainslie

We hope you can get the most of them!

Many thanks to Andy Rice, Hamish Willcox and the entire Road to Gold staff for organising these talks and kindly sharing them with us.

Keep smiling, keep sailing,
Agustín Argüelles – The EurILCA Team

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