sustainability programme

Sailing against pollution - EurILCA Sustainability Programme

As sailors we have been captivated by nature since our early childhood. We loved it so much that we decided to build most of our lives around it.

Day after day, while being driven by wind and waves, we felt more and more connected.

Our wonderful seas deserve all our admiration and respect. And just as we have enjoyed them all this years, we surely want future generations to do so as well. Due to plastics and other types of pollution caused by humans, not only our playground but also the whole life as we know it is at risk.

This is why we decided to create EurILCA’s Sustainability Programme. With the aim of raising awareness among all sailors about this dramatic situation, we seek to promote changes in our daily habits and product choices that will help to stop causing more damage and heal our oceans. Let’s start to change for us, our seas and our future sailors.

oceans pollution

How to organize an eco-event

Dear event organisers, please read the document attached below with tips showing you how to run an eco-event.

11th Hour Racing World Sailing Sustainability Awards

In September 2022, our Sustainability Program has been nominated among four worldwide finalists to the highest recognition of success in marine sustainability, 11th Hour Racing World Sailing Sustainability Awards.

Our mandatory requirements for sailing clubs organizing European Championships, as well as our efforts to spread awareness and reduce plastic waste has been recognized as a low-cost easily replicable initiative.

We are inviting all federations and class associations to replicate our program or create their own to fight ocean pollution and spread awareness in our community!

It’s time to take collective action to save our oceans that has given us so much.

Sustainability Award
sustainable sailing

Join us and support our Sustainability Programme

Nature need us to make our best to stop harming our planet. There’s no time to wait! Would you join us on this fight?

Whether you are a sailor, coach, race organizer or sailing fan, we would love to count with your help as volunteer. This way we’ll have more hands on deck to develop our sustainability actions faster.

Ready to step in!? Just fill out the form below on right and we’ll reply back soon.

If you have any questions or comments please write us to social @

avoid single use plastic

Let's win this race together!

Click and fill the form on right to join our Sustainability team!

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EurILCA Sustainability Programme's Logotype Download