4.7 Euros in Vilamoura

Welcome message and safety regulations for the 4.7 Euros in Vilamoura

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Vilamoura, Portugal – Message from the local organization.

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Dear Laser sailors,

The clock is ticking and the awaited Laser 4.7 Europeans will happen and will start in less then a month.

From the 14th to 22nd August Vilamoura Sailing will host one of the few International sailing events of this summer.

It’s a troubled period for everyone but we want to deliver you 2 weeks of  a safe and relax Sailing in the warm and windy waters of Vilamoura.

Our team has been preparing the venue to the highest standards of safety and some simple rules will apply to ensure everyone’s safe and may enjoy the event.

On arrival you will be given some safety instructions and information and we will provide you with a sailors Kit that includes a facial mask.

General safety information:

  • The use of facial mask is mandatory when indoors.(Organization will provide you a reusable facial mask)
  • All metting’s will be held outdoors
  • The opening ceremony and the prize giving will  be organized with focus on safety and respecting WS, WHO guidelines and the Portuguese Government directives.
  • Multiple points of (hand wash) alcohol based solution will be available in the venue.
  • WC and changing rooms have specific rules and have dedicated staff to sanitize them on a regular basis.
  • We will have a digital Oficial Notice Board. An information board will be available with all the relevant general information.
  • Race office will have limited access.
  • Jury room will have independent access and steps will be taken to avoid queues or delays.
  • Local shops (sailing gear and bar) will comply with all the safety regulations.
  • Information boards with Safety Instructions are spread all around the Venue as a gentle reminder to keep us all safe.

The privilege of practicing a fabulous outdoor sport as Sailing, with no physical contact, allows us to say its safe to sail with us in Vilamoura.

See you all soon.

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