2021 europa cup ger day 1

2021 Europa Cup GER – Day 1 results in Warnemunde

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The 2021 Europa Cup GER started yesterday in Warnemunde, Germany.

171 sailors enjoyed of the first two races in the three classes Standard (33), Radial (77) and 4.7 (61). “There was little wind today, but it was still sailable. With the last wind we finally crossed the finish line”, said the race director Svenja Herziger.

Jakub Halouzka from the Czech Republic leads in the Standard ahead of Johan Schubert from Denmark and Theodor Middelthon from Norway. The best German is Leif Thorge Meyer from the Academic Sailing Club Warnemünde in sixth place. Lennart Kuss from the Warnemünder Segel-Club, winner of last year’s edition, is seventh.

In the Radial class, Ole Schweckendieck (Kiel) has taken the lead, closely followed by Julia Büsselberg (Berlin) from the DSV junior squad and Max Stiff from Münster.

The 61 4.7 competition is particularly international: they come from eleven different nations. Annemijn Algra from the Netherlands ended the day in first place. Andrea Dubois from Switzerland is second, Brecht Zwaenepoel from Belgium is in third place. Rostock’s Jesse Mo Mett is the best German in sixth place.

Two new races are scheduled for today.

Source: Warnemünder Woche | Cover photo: Pepe Hartmann.

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