2021 Europa Cup Hungary final results

2021 Europa Cup Hungary – Final results

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The 2021 Europa Cup HUN concluded yesterday in Balaton, organised by Balatonfüredi Yacht Club, in conjunction with the Hungarian Sailing Federation, and sponsored by Rooster-Monautix.

The Race Committee went on water at 10 am, one hour later than the previous days because there were no proper winds for a race. By 10.30 am the team could set the course and from that time on could manage a successful race for the three ILCA classes. In the 7th race the team had to shorten the course for the ILCA 4 class because the wind had turned and later dropped. Unfortunately, the 7th race for the ILCA 6 class couldn’t be finished because the wind completely dropped.

After 7 successful races for ILCA 7 and ILCA 4 classes and 6 successful races for the ILCA 6 class, the 2021 Europa Cup Hungary –also Hungarian National Championships– has ended, crowning the following champions.

2021 europa cup hun results

ILCA 4 final results – 2021 Europa Cup HUN

The Italian sailor Luca Centazzo ITA (2-1-3-8-1-4-4) was finally the winner of both the ILCA 4 and ILCA 4 Under 16 championships, after dominating the fleet during the four days of competition and concluding the event with 15 points.

The second place overall and Girl’s championship title was for Slovenian sailor Alenka Valencic SLO (1-5-5-64UFD-2-12-5) with 30. Third place overall and Boy’s vice-championship award for local Daniel Cserveni HUN (3-8-7-7-12-3-3) with 31.

Tedi Leonardelli CRO (20-3-1-14-10-1-6) and Ivan Antipin UKR (14-11-12-6-8-11-1) completed the Under 16 Boy’s podium with 35 and 49 points, occupying the 4th and 5th places overall respectively.


ILCA 4 Boy’s Overall

  1. Luca Centazzo ITA
  2. Daniel Cserveni HUN
  3. Tedi Leonardelli CRO
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ILCA 4 Boy’s U16

  1. Luca Centazzo ITA
  2. Tedi Leonardelli CRO
  3. Ivan Antipin UKR

ILCA 4 Boys podium

Croatian Lea Rakovac CRO was second overall among the Girl’s fleet and crowned Girl’s Under 16 champion, finishing the event on the 8th place. Boglarka Katai HUN was third overall among the Girl’s fleet and crowned Girl’s U16 vice-champion.


ILCA 4 Girl’s Overall

  1. Alenka Valencic SLO
  2. Lea Rakovac CRO
  3. Boglarka Katai HUN
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ILCA 4 Girl’s U16

  1. Lea Rakovac CRO
  2. Boglarka Katai HUN
  3. Zala Vidmar SLO

59 sailors were part of this championships.

ILCA 4 Girls podium

ILCA 6 final results – 2021 Europa Cup HUN

Without new races due to the wind drop, the ILCA 6 Overall and Women’s championships were finally for the Australian Zoe Thomson AUS (1-1-1-1-1-1), winning all 6 races held. Rosine Baudet SUI (5-4-7-7-2-2) and Nethra Kumanan IND (8-6-5-5-19-3) completed the Overall and Women’s podiums with 20 and 27 points respectively.


ILCA 6 Women’s Overall

  1. Zoe Thomson AUS
  2. Rosine Baudet SUI
  3. Nethra Kumanan IND
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ILCA 6 Women’s U21

  1. Rosine Baudet SUI
  2. Estere Kumpina LAT
  3. Paige Caldecoat AUS
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ILCA 6 Women’s U19

  1. Kristina Boja SRB
  2. Lacey Aquilina MLT
  3. Lana Vidmar SLO

ilca 6 girls podium

The Men’s Overall and U19 titles were finally for Oliver Szokody HUN (4-9-9-3-20-4), finishing 5th with 29 points. Bendeguz Nagy HUN was second Overall and U19 on the 6th place in the overall ranking.


ILCA 6 Men’s Overall

  1. Oliver Szokody HUN
  2. Bendeguz Nagy HUN
  3. Soma Sigmond HUN
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ILCA 6 Men’s U19

  1. Oliver Szokody HUN
  2. Bendeguz Nagy HUN
  3. Botond Orban HUN

ilca 6 men hungary

Soma Sigmond HUN was the Men’s U17 champion and third Men’s overall on place 7th. Ivan Vakhrushev SLO and Ali Failkawy KUW completed the Men’s U17 podium on places 9th and 11th in the overall ranking.

O Bohdana Miroshnychenk UKR was first among the Women’s U17 fleet, escorted on podium by Reka Abdai HUN and Janka Bozoki HUN.


ILCA 6 Men’s U17

  1. Soma Sigmond HUN
  2. Ivan Vakhrushev SLO
  3. Ali Failkawy KUW
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ILCA 6 Women’s U17

  1. O Bohdana Miroshnychenk UKR
  2. Reka Abdai HUN
  3. Janka Bozoki HUN

65 sailors participated of this championships.

ILCA 7 final results – 2021 Europa Cup HUN

Benjamin Vadnai HUN (1-1-1-1-1-2-1) was finally the ILCA 7 overall champion with 6 points, followed by Stanislav Mulko UKR (3-3-2-2-3-1-8) with 14. The third place was for the Thailand sailor Chusitt Punjamala THA (2-4-6-6-2-3-7) with 23.

Balazs Redling HUN was the Under 21 champion, finishing 5th overall. Leon Zink HUN and Agoston Kertesz HUN accompanied him on the U21 podium.


ILCA 7 Overall

  1. Benjamin Vadnai HUN
  2. Stanislav Mulko UKR
  3. Chusitt Punjamala THA
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ILCA 7 Under 21

  1. Balazs Redling HUN
  2. Leon Zink HUN
  3. Agoston Kertesz HUN

24 sailors participated of this fleet.

ilca 7 podium hungary

Full results here.

Photo galleries here.

The next 2021 Europa Cup Trophy’s regatta will be in Hyeres, France, from October 14th to 17th. Entry closing date for this event is in October 4th so register now here: 2021 Europa Cup FRA.

Report by Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Photos by Aron Szanto – BYC.

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