2021 europa cup poland day 2

Harsh weather forced day 2 races to be cancelled in Dziwnow

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The second day of races had to be cancelled due to strong weather conditions at the 2021 Europa Cup POL in Dziwnow.

According to yesterday’s announcements, the weather was supposed to be harsh today and it really is. The wind speed is so high that the only possible decision was to cancel the races, because with each passing hour this speed will increase even more (we also received weather warnings from the Maritime Office). We hope the situation will be much better tomorrow for the last day of competition.

161 competitors from 11 countries (Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Croatia, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Hungary) are taking part of this event.

Day 1 report here: https://eurilca.org/medium-strong-winds-start-2021-europa-cup-dziwnow/

Full results here: http://2021.sailingnet.pl/europa-cup/

Photos here: https://eurilca.smugmug.com/2021-Europa-Cup-Trophy/2021-Europa-Cup-POL

Report by Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Photos by SailingNet | Source: Krzysztof – Dziwnow4sailing.

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