Radial Youth 2017

Laser Radial Youth European Championship 2017 starting in Poland

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The Laser Radial Youth European Championship & Trophy 2017 is starting in Gdynia, Poland, with registration and equipment inspection.

Event will officially open today at 7 PM with the Opening Ceremony, after a practice race.

Laser Radial Youth European Championship 2017 starting in Poland

250 sailors (66 girls and 184 boys) will start racing tomorrow and until July 13th, looking to complete all 12 scheduled races over the six days of competition.

Boys will be divided in 3 batteries. First 3 days of qualifying and then facing the finals divided in Gold, Silver and Bronze fleets over the last 3 days of racing.

Girls will race in a single group so there will be no qualifying and final series for them.

You can learn more about event here.

Laser Radial Youth European Championship 2017 – About Gdynia

Gdynia can rightfully be referred to as the sailing capital of Poland. Every year a number of events of national, European, World or Olympic scale are held here. This is due to the excellent conditions in terms of both, the wind and the infrastructure.

The base for all sailing events is the marina in Gdynia – the largest and most up-to-date in Poland. One of its strengths is the location in the city centre.

You can click here to learn more about Gdynia.

By Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Photo: Robert Hajduk – Shuttersail – Volvo Gdynia Sailing Days.


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