New dates for the 2020 Laser 4.7 Youth Europeans

New dates for the 2020 Laser 4.7 Youth Europeans

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Dear sailors, due to the COVID-19 outbreak of public knowledge, EurILCA decided today –in conjunction with the Organising Authorities in Portugal– to move the 2020 Laser 4.7 Youth European Championships & Open European Trophy dates from April 11-18 to June 20-27.

We were daily monitoring the situation and after receiving the last news we decided this would be the best option.

We apologize for the inconveniences, hoping you can welcome this new dates in the beginning of Summer.

Please follow the Event Overview webpage to check the updates.

#SailandSmile #HaveFun #Keepsmilingkeepsailing

By Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Cover photo: Thom Touw.


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