EurILCA Team Racing in Greece

Notice of race: EurILCA Team Racing in Greece

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We are pleased to inform you that Nautical Club of Artemida Spata in coordination with EurILCA will organize the EurILCA Team Racing Series between 6–8 October 2023. The winning team of the EurILCA Team Racing Series of each country will have the right to participate in the Team Racing European Championship 2023 to be held in Vilamoura, Portugal, between 7–10 December 2023.

We are more than happy to invite one team from your Country!

The EurILCA team racing is for two boat teams and will be sailed in ILCA 6. The team consists of 2 competitors composed by one male and one female. Competitors should be at least 15 years old at the first day of the Event. If there is a second team from your Country willing to attend, please let us know.

The Organizing Authority will offer the ILCA 6 boats with all equipment included. The O.A. will provide daily Lunch Box and Meals for the competitors.

The entry fee is 550 euro per team with the coach included. To be considered an entry in the event, a team shall complete all registration requirements and pay the entry fee, no later than 15 September 2023.

The Notice of Race and entry form can be found at the following link

For further assistance please contact the O.A. at the email mentioned in the documents.

Best regards,
The Nautical Club Artemida Spata and EurILCA

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