2023 ILCA 4 Youth Europeans day 4 results

Race day 4 results – 2023 ILCA 4 Youth European Championships

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Final series started today at the 2023 ILCA 4 Youth European Championships & Open European Trophy in Cádiz, Spain.

Action started at 12:00 when first group of sailors were allowed to launch their boats. With last group launching at 12:30, the races were supposed to start at 13:30, but the lack of wind forced them to be postponed in both courses.

After a long waiting on water, finally a light breeze of 5-7 knots arrived to the Boy´s course, so they started racing around 14:30. Wind took more time to arrive to the Girl´s area, so they did only started their procedures around 15:30.

Despite light sailing conditions, the Race Committee managed to have 2 new races per fleet.

First sailors came back to shore at 18:30. Last ones one hour later. Meal was waiting for all of them at the tent to wrap the fourth day of competition in good shape.

After these two new races, the following are the leaders in Gold fleets;

Girl´s results – 2023 ILCA 4 Youth Europeans

Overnight Under 16 leader Hanna Rogowska POL is heading now also the overall competition with 23 points after scoring 8-3 today.

Hermionie Ghicas GRE, overnight Under 16 vice leader, is also second now overall with 26 (10-10 today).

Third place overall is for Joana Alves Lourenço FRA, tied in 36 points with Alina Shapovalova UKR.

Third U16 place is for Gaya Datiashvili ISR in 14th place overall.

Full results here.

Boy´s results – 2023 ILCA 4 Youth Europeans

No changes in the first three spots today, with Nicolo Cassita ITA (Silver medalist in 2022) leading with 6 points after finishing first in 6 of 7 races.

He´s followed 7 points behind by another representative of Yacht Club Olbia, Salvatore Falchi ITA, with 13.

Third place overall for Quentin Wallbott FRA with 25.

The Under 16 championship has a new leader instead, and that´s Tim Lubat ESP in 6th place overall. Lorenzo Ghirotti ITA and Kutsal Kurnaz TUR complete the U16 podium on places 10th and 12th respectively.

Full results here.

Penultimate day of the championship will come tomorrow. Three races are scheduled, with the first warning signal at 12:00. Coaches meeting at 10:00.

Don´t forget to follow the Gold fleets live through the tracking here:

Live GPS tracking – Gold fleets

390 young sailors from 39 nations are being part of this competition, organised by Ayuntamiento de Cádiz, Instituto Municipal del Deporte de Cádiz, Real Federación Española de Vela and EurILCA.

The event is supported by Federación Andaluza de Vela, Consejería de Sostenibilidad, Medio Ambiente y Economía Azul and Universidad de Cádiz, and kindly sponsored by Eléctrica de Cádiz, Aguas de Cádiz and Cupra Automoción Terry.

Races will go until Saturday 22nd, when we´ll meet our new 2023 ILCA 4 Youth European champions.

For further information please visit the event website: 2023-ilca4youth.eurilca-europeans.org

How to follow the 2022 EurILCA 4 Youth Europeans in Cádiz

Live contents

We’ll be sharing all the action in our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/eurilca/ and YouTube accounts: https://www.youtube.com/eurilcachannel – We suggest you to subscribe and follow us in order to receive instant notifications when we’re live!

GPS tracking

For the Final Series racing we’ll be also providing GPS tracking in the following link: https://www.metasail.it/incoming/386/

News and reports

A daily report with news and results, photos and videos will be published here, https://2023-ilca4youth.eurilca-europeans.org/news-feed/

Instant notifications

We created a Telegram channel you can join to receive instant notifications with the latest news. Please scan the QR code on homepage at the event website to join, or using the following link, https://t.me/ilca4youtheuropeans2023

Photo galleries

Photos are being uploaded daily to our Smugmug account: https://eurilca.smugmug.com/2023-ILCA-Europeans/2023-ILCA-4-Youth-Europeans – They are all free to be used for editorial purposes specifically related with this event. For any other purpose please contact the photographer at aasailing.com

Videos galleries

Video highlights and interviews we’ll be publishing them in our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/eurilcachannel – We suggest you to subscribe to it to receive instant notifications when we upload them.


We´ll also spread live news and contents in our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/eurilca so stay tuned!

Event hashtag: #ilca4youtheuropeans2023

Let’s go sailing!
The EurILCA Team

Report and photos by Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA.

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