Final results

2018 Laser 4.7 Youth European Championships – Final results

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After an hectic day we can finally announce our new 2018 Laser 4.7 Youth European champions in Patras, Greece.

2018 Laser 4.7 Youth European Championships – Final results – Girls

One new race for the girls today, where Italian sailor Giorgia Cingolani ITA (8-2-1-1-1-5-8-9-4) could finally recover the first spot overall and be crowned our new 2018 Laser 4.7 Youth European women’s champion, draw in 30 points with Eline Verstraelen BEL (1-3-5-1-2-3-12-20-3) who was finally vice-champion. Croatian sailor Ursula Balas CRO (3-1-1-8-17-1-4-4-29) couldn’t hold first position today and dropped from first to third with 39 units, finishing in third overall.

British sailor Flo Nicholls GBR (10-3-2-23-6-14-30-43-7) managed to keep the first U16 place today and it was also crowned our new 2018 Laser 4.7 Youth European women’s champion on this category, finishing 9th overall with 92 points. Second U16 place was for Abby Childerley GBR (4-8-3-3-13-50-35-31-6) with 103 points and 10th overall. Third U16 place for Australian sailor Brooke Wilson AUS with 108. Third European U16 position to Alessia Palanti ITA with 134 units.

2018 Laser 4.7 Youth European Championships – Final results – Boys

Unfortunately no new races for the guys today, so Italian sailor Cesare Barabino ITA (2-10-1-2-2-1-37) was crowned our new 2018 Laser 4.7 Youth European men’s champion with 18 units, followed by Greek sailors Emilios Monos GRE (3-1-1-17-4-2-43) and Dikaios Kerkoulas GRE (1-2-9-5-3-10-54) with 28 and 30 points respectively.

British sailor Finley Dickinson GBR (7-9-2-5-17-30-22) is finally our U16 men’s champion with 62 points, finishing 9th overall, followed by Yoav Kfir ISR (5-7-4-7-46-8-36) and Jordi Llado Duran ESP (3-9-9-12-31-56-23) on second and third U16 men’s places respectively.

This way we’re closing a wonderful new edition of our Laser 4.7 Youth European championships. See you next year in Hyeres, France!

You can review every of our Media contents published on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, and also visit the championship’s webpage for further reports, pictures, interviews, results and more.

Full results here.

By Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Photos: Thom Touw Photography.

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