Sustainability 2022 EurILCA Master Europeans

Sustainability first at the 2022 EurILCA Master Europeans

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As you may have already seen or heard, at EurILCA we started working on a sustainability programme since 2019, with the intention of making our events more and more sustainable every year, and we are happy to announce that the next 2022 EurILCA Master Europeans in L’Escala, Spain, will not be the exception.

The local staff at Club Náutic L’Escala have been following our Sustainability plan and rules to reduce the single-use paper or plastics, producing a welcome package made up of reusable products for the participants, such as a wooden key ring to identify their trolleys, a waterproof bag and a T-shirt.

sustainable sailing

In line with its commitment to the environment and sustainability, Club Nàutic L’Escala has developed four lines of work in order to minimize the impact of the regatta on the natural environment that surrounds it. And the fact is that the Club is located right next to a protected natural area, the Montgrí Natural Park. These lines are the correct management of waste, the responsible consumption of water, the prevention of the entry of toxins into the sea and the organization of a cleaning of the coast that will take place next Friday, October 12. Aimed at the participants of the regatta, this action will allow them to get to know the natural environment of the area better and contribute to its conservation.

All these sustainable actions were recognized by the Sailors for the Sea’s Clean Regattas Programme, awarding the club with their highest recognition: the Platinum Seal.

Sailors for the Sea Powered by Oceana is a global conservation organization that works to engage and educate sailors in order to preserve and restore the health of the oceans.

The 2022 EurILCA Master European Championships will run from 7-13 October 2022 and you can read more about it here:

Event website – 2022 EurILCA Master European Championships

The regatta counts with the collaboration of Secretaria General de l’Esport i de l’Activitat Física, Diputació de Girona, Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava Girona, Reial Federació Espanyola de Vela and l’Ajuntament de l’Escala, and also Ports de la Generalitat, Federació Catalana de Vela and l’Associació Espanyola de la Classe ILCA.

It also receives logistical support from La Ballena Alegre Campsite, La Ballena Alegre Sailing Club and the nautical services company Nautivela.

Original report in Catalan here.

About EurILCA Sustainability Programme – Vote for us!

We’re proud to inform that our Sustainability Programme has been shortlisted by World Sailing as one of the four exceptional finalists for the 2022 World Sailing 11th Hour Racing Sustainability Award, representing the full spectrum of global sustainability initiatives within sailing and the marine industry.

The World Sailing 11th Hour Racing Sustainability Award celebrates the delivery of high-impact, highly-replicable sustainability initiatives, aligned to World Sailing’s Sustainability Agenda 2030.

Public online voting to help determine a winner is now open so we need you to vote for us via the following link:

Vote the EurILCA Sustainability Programme for the
2022 World Sailing 11th Hour Racing Sustainability Award!

The winner announced at the World Sailing Awards on Tuesday 25 October 2022 will receive a $10,000 USD prize to help further their sustainability activities, as well as an iconic trophy made from recycled carbon fibre.

Read more about EurILCA’s Sustainability Programme here:

Sustainability Programme – EurILCA

Keep smiling, keep sailing!
The EurILCA Team

Report by Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA Media Manager | Source: Helena Geis Sarrats – Club Nautic L’Escala.

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