race day 2 2021 EurILCA Senior Europeans

Race day 2 report – 2021 EurILCA Senior Europeans

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15-17 knots of wind and big waves enlightened the second day of races at the 2021 EurILCA Senior European Championships & Open European Trophy in Varna, Bulgaria.

The day started at 09:30 with the coaches meeting. The first fleets going to water today were the ILCA 6 Women and ILCA 6 Men. Racing started at 12:00 as per scheduled, with the girls initiating their third race on this championship. After them, the boys also started their third race.

The wind slowly increased afterwards during the afternoon and so the waves did. By the end of those two first ILCA 6 races, the ILCA 7 fleet also arrived to the course to enjoy of the action, but they had to wait for both ILCA 6 classes to start their last race of the day.

Unfortunately there were 5 general recalls then for the Women’s, so the day became longer for all 220 sailors waiting to complete or start their racing.

The Race Committee was persistent though and finally both ILCA 6 fleets could meet today’s program. The ILCA 7 groups could only have one race instead due to the time limit and returned to shore around 18:00.

Nice wind and huge waves guaranteed sailor’s fun today, despite the temperature became a little bit cold for some of them while the sun hesitated to appear.

Day 2 results – 2021 EurILCA Senior Europeans

The ILCA 6 Women’s championship is still governed by the Norwegian Olympic sailor Line Flem Host NOR (3-3-1-79BFD) with 6, but now with a black flag penalty on her shoulders.

The Greek Olympic representative in Tokyo, Basileia Carahaliou GRE (14-1-3-8), climbed from 4th to 2nd place today after making a great comeback on the first race, where she rounded the first mark around 25th. She’s scoring 12 points now in total.

Daisy Collinridge GBR (7-22-14-1) is the new third sailor on this provisional podium with 22 points, after winning the last race.

Overnight second Chiara Benini ITA (2-6-52-16) dropped to the fourth place after scoring a bad first result today. She counts now 24 points. Only 1 point behind her comes the Polish sailor Agata Barwinska POL (20-8-13-4) on fifth.

mirthe akkerman NED
Dutch sailor Mirthe Akkerman is currently 15th overall with 43 points.

Turkish sailor Umut Eyriparmak TUR (1-1-2-7) is still first in the ILCA 6 Men’s Overall and Under 21 championships with 4 points, but now closely chased by Oskar Madonich UKR (3-5-3-1) and Stipe Gaspic CRO (2-3-4-2) with 7 and better discards. Oskar is also 2nd in the Under 21 championship, followed now by Jason Kefallonitis GRE (4-7-27BFD-3) in the fourth place overall with 14 units.

stipe gaspic croatia
Great consistent job of Stipe Gaspic CRO discarding a 4th after 4 races.

The ILCA 7 championship is still governed by Michael Beckett GBR (1-1-4), although draw in 6 points now with Pavlos Kontides CYP (2-3-1).

The third European place is now for Finn Lynch IRL (6-10-3) with 19. The Australian sailor Luke Elliott AUS (2-6-1) is third overall in the Open European Trophy with 9.

tim conradi germany
Tim Conradi GER dealing with one of big waves today in Varna.

The event will run until Saturday 9th of October. 8 new races are scheduled for the next 4 days of competition.

The start sequence for tomorrow will be: ILCA 7 Yellow 11:00 / ILCA 7 Blue ASAP after ILCA 7 Yellow / ILCA 6 Women 14:00 / ILCA 6 Men ASAP after ILCA 6 Women. Official Notice Board here.

The event is organized by EurILCA in conjuction with SC Cherno More Briz, the Bulgarian Sailing Federation, the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Municipality of Varna. The event is supported by Port of Varna.

Full results here.

Photos here.

Note for participants: the organization informs that during Saturday 9th there will be a COVID19 virus testing at Varna’s harbour for all sailors who need a PCR test or rapid antigen test to show when returning home. Therefore, it is necessary to apply to it by Thursday 7th in the Race office. Please, bring your travel document with you.

How to follow the 2021 EurILCA Senior Europeans

Daily reports with news and results you will find them at the event’s webpage.

We’re also producing daily videos and photos you can watch on our YouTube channel and Smugmug photo galleries.

For live news and contents you can follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Report by Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Photos by Hrvoje Duvancic.

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