Sailing against plastic pollution

Sailing against plastic pollution in Vilamoura

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The local organisation in Vilamoura have worked hard this days preparing a wonderful 2020 Laser 4.7 Youth Europeans event, and one of main efforts was focused on helping our Sustainability Programme to fight against plastic pollution, avoiding single-use plastics.

On their arrival all participants were provided with aluminium bottles, and water tanks were placed along the boat park for sailors to fill their reusable bottles.

We want to thank Vilamoura Sailing for caring of this and helping us making our sailing events more sustainable. We want to thank also sailors and coaches for joining and sharing this concern. We hope all venues to replicate this actions from now on as a standard. Let’s change now and fight together against plastic pollution.

#EurILCAsustainabilityprogramme #StopPlasticPollution #noPlanetB #SailingAllTogether #KeepSmilingKeepSailing

By Agustín Argüelles – EurILCA | Cover photo: OSGA Photography

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