ILCA Member Vote Request

ILCA Member Vote Request – Proposed Changes to the ILCA Constitution

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Source: ILCA.

The ILCA World Council and Advisory Council have approved several updates to the ILCA Constitution. In order to implement these changes, according to clause 17 of the ILCA Constitution, approval by two thirds of the membership replying in response to a ballot is now required.

Please note that only paid ILCA members may vote. Membership will be verified with each ILCA District association when the votes are tabulated. Voting is open to current ILCA members from 20 November 2021 to 19 May 2022.


Proposed Changes

– The proposed new constitution can be found here.

– The proposed constitution showing the detailed changes and markup can be found here.

– The original, unchanged constitution can be found here.

We ask that all ILCA members review the information below and use this link to vote.

Overview of changes:

The class name has been updated.

Due to trademark issues with a former manufacturer, it is proposed that the constitution is updated to reflect the new class name. Members should note that at its recent annual conference, World Sailing has changed references in its regulations from “Laser” to “ILCA” in all instances. 
The proposed changes to the ILCA constitution also incorporate this update throughout. 
Similarly, the designation of the emblem of the class has been removed in order to avoid any trademark conflicts.

Changes to the makeup of the ILCA World Council

World Council members are proposed to be either voting or non-voting members. The office of the Past President has been removed and the voting rights of any appointed World Council members has been removed.

It is proposed that a region representing over 40% of the membership of the organization will have the right to appoint an additional voting member to the World Council. Currently, the European Region represents over 60% of the worldwide membership and would receive a second voting position on the World Council.

As in the past, it is proposed the ILCA World Council will continue to annually elect the ILCA President from amongst its voting or non-voting members, excluding paid staff and or the Builder Representative. If the elected president is a Regional Representative, he or she will relinquish that position upon becoming the ILCA President. It is proposed that the ILCA Vice President will be elected from amongst the voting and non-voting members of the World Council, but would be a regional representative of other appointed member – i.e. the Vice President would not be a stand-alone position.

It is proposed that the provision for two Advisory Council members to the World Council is removed. Instead, it is proposed that there will be one Builders’ representative, elected annually by majority by all the ILCA approved builders. This representative would be a voting member of the World Council. It is noted that implementing this constitution update will also require a change to the ILCA Class Rules to remove the reference to the Advisory Council in the ILCA Class Rules.

Other Updates:

  • It is proposed that all World Council members must explicitly comply with the ILCA conflict of interest policy.
  • The proposed wording formalizes that the annual accounts are reviewed annually by an independent party prior to publication.
  • The wording of the disciplinary provisions of the constitution is proposed to be updated.
  • It is proposed that the voting period for subsequent amendments to the ILCA Constitution is shortened from 6 months to 3 months.
  • Other grammatical and minor wording changes have been proposed throughout the document to aid in readability and clarity.

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